is an anime series produced by Group TAC. It aired on NHK in Japan from October 5, 1996, to September 27, 1997; a second series aired from April 11, 1998, to October 3, 1998. The show has also aired in Thailand, Singapore, Spain, Mexico, Israel, The Philippines, Indonesia and Peru. ==Plot== The series is set in the year 5808. The human civilization has taken gigantic steps in the conquest of the space, and with the creation of the three-dimensional tunnel, people can travel to any Galaxy in the universe. "The Gentleman of the Cosmos" is a company that manages the tunnel and dominates organizes the trips. The main characters of the series are part of Yamamoto Anshin Travel (YAT), with the plot revolving around Goro Hoshiwatari, an adolescent who has left his home to travel by the space and to find the whereabouts of his father, who disappeared fifteen years ago during the explosion of the main transporting center of the three-dimensional Tunnel that he created. Goro falls in love with Katsura, the commander's daughter; and becomes the YAT mechanic/janitor after an accident that he was responsible for, so he tags along to pay for the damage, as well to find his father. Finding his father turns out not to be his only problem, since Kanea, a young lady whose mother is the owner of "the Gentleman of the Cosmos", is in love with him. In addition, Kanea’s mother had a mysterious and conflicting past with Yamamoto. The second series takes place six months after the first. YAT ships and crew are transported to a very far universe. They soon discover that the person responsible is Professor Nota, a scientific who is working on a teletransportation device, helped by a cat-like girl with psychic powers called "Pinky". Then, the professor is kidnapped by Emperor Ganon, who wants to use the device to rule the universe. The aim of the YAT crew is finding the kidnapped professor and going back to Earth. 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「YAT Anshin! Uchū Ryokō」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク